A visual color picker that allows the user to pick a color from either an HSV color space,
or by directly modifying RGB/HSV values.
The currently selected color, as a 24-bit, RGB value.
Setting this value will update the selected color in the picker.
The icon associated with this box component
Note*: this class itself does nothing special with this property and simply here to allow subclasses to make use
of it should they want to
Whether this component is allowed to animate or not.
The currently running animation.
When set to true, this component should be drag&drop-able.
Whether this component has a non-visible graphic added/drawn onto it or not.
When enabled, HaxeUI will try to use a native version of this component.
The Screen object this component is displayed on.
Can be used to store specific data relating to the component, or other things in your application.
The component's true height on screen.
May differ from componentHeight if Toolkit.scaleY != 1
The component's true width on screen.
May differ from componentWidth if Toolkit.scaleX != 1
When set to a non-null value, restricts the component's "rendering zone"
to only render inside the bounds of the given rectangle, effectively "clipping" the component.
Whether this component, or one if it's parents, has a screen.
Whether this component has a non-null clipping rectangle or not.
true if this component's area intersects with the screen, false otherwise.
clipRect is not taken into consideration - that means, if a clipRect turns a component from being
visible on screen to being invisible on screen, isComponentOffScreen should still be false.
addClass(name:String, invalidate:Bool = true, recursive:Bool = false):Void
removeClass(name:String, invalidate:Bool = true, recursive:Bool = false):Void
Gets a complete copy of this component.
A new component, similar to this one. |
Returns true if the given component is a child of this component, false otherwise.
| The child component to check against. |
Is the child component a child of this component? |
Removes this component from memory.
Calling methods/using fields on this component after calling disposeComponent
is undefined behaviour, and could result in a null pointer exception/x is null exceptions.
fadeIn(onEnd:():Void = null, show:Bool = true):Void
Applies a fade effect which turns this component from invisible to visible.
onEnd:():Void = null | A function to dispatch when the fade completes |
show:Bool = true | When enabled, ensures that this component is actually visible when the fade completes. |
fadeOut(onEnd:():Void = null, hide:Bool = true):Void
Applies a fade effect which turns this component from visible to invisible.
onEnd:():Void = null | A function to dispatch when the fade completes |
show:Bool = true | When enabled, ensures that this component is actually invisible when the fade completes. |
findComponents<T>(styleName:String = null, type:Class<T> = null, maxDepth:Int = 5):Array<T>
Finds all components with a specific style in this components display tree.
styleName:String = null | The style name to search for |
type:Class<T> = null | The component class you wish to cast the result to (defaults to null, which means casting to the default, Component type). |
maxDepth:Int = 5 | how many children "deep" should the search go to find components. defaults to 5. |
An array of the found components. |
findComponentsUnderPoint<T>(screenX:Float, screenY:Float, type:Class<T> = null):Array<
Lists components under a specific point in global, screen coordinates.
Note: this function will return *every single* components at a specific point,
even if they have no backgrounds, or haven't got anything drawn onto them.
screenX:Float | The global, on-screen x position of the point to check for components under |
screenY:Float | The global, on-screen y position of the point to check for components under |
type:Class<T> = null | Used to filter all components that aren't of a specific type. null by default, which means no filter is applied. |
An array of all components that overlap the "global" position (x, y) |
hasComponentUnderPoint<T>(screenX:Float, screenY:Float, type:Class<T> = null):Bool
Finds out if there is a component under a specific point in global coordinates.
screenX:Float | The global, on-screen x position of the point to check for components under |
screenY:Float | The global, on-screen y position of the point to check for components under |
type:Class<T> = null | Used to filter all components that aren't of a specific type. null by default, which means no filter is applied. |
true if there is a component that overlaps the global position (x, y), false otherwise. |
lockLayout(recursive:Bool = false):Void
Tells the framework this component is ready to render
*Note*: this is called internally by the framework
Sets the index of child under this component, essentially moving it forwards/backwards.
| The child to set the index of. |
index:Int | the index to set to. |
unlockLayout(recursive:Bool = false):Void
Iterates over the children components and calls callback() on each of them, recursively.
The children's children are also included in the walking, and so are those children's children...
| a callback that receives one component, and returns whether the walking should continue or not. |
pauseEvent(type:String, recursive:Bool = false):Void
resumeEvent(type:String, recursive:Bool = false):Void